About the China Lake Astronomical Society
The China Lake Astronomical Society is a place for people who want to learn about, participate in, and share astronomy activities and education. We are based in Ridgecrest and China Lake, CA, in the Indian Wells Valley of the Mojave Desert. We are just over the mountains from Death Valley, and some of the
darkest skies in the United States.
Monthly Meetings and Programs are Open to the Public
Meetings and programs are open to the public, and are held at the
Maturango Museum
on the first Monday of every month (except when it falls on a holiday, then we meet the following Monday).
Maturango Museum
100 East Las Flores Avenue
Ridgecrest CA 93555
- Individual - $25
- Family - $40
- Youth member 18 and under - $10
Skywatchers Newsletter FREE.
All ages and ability levels are welcome.
Send your Check or Money Order (do not mail cash) to:
Roger Brower, Treasurer
China Lake Astronomical Society
PO Box 1783
Ridgecrest CA 93556
CLAS Officers for 2024
PRESIDENT – Ralph Paonessa (ralph@chinalakeastro.org)
SECRETARY – Debbie Pio
TREASURER – Roger Brower